Sunday, March 31, 2019

Choose a Positive Outlook

Proverbs 21:5 -- How to Look at Life’s Letdowns
Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.
I observed a conversation between two students in my class this week. Both students were high achievers, ranking within the top 20% of their graduating class. Both were seniors in high school. This week was the moment when many colleges reveal their acceptance or rejection of applicants, so the one student, we’ll call him James, was clearly upset. James told John (another fictitious name) that he’d been rejected by his number one and two choice schools, Brown University and Dartmouth University, both member schools of the ivy league -- both schools that accept only 5-6% of their many thousands of applicants. James went on to say that when those decisions were released online, the trajectory of the rest of his life was determined. He was not going to an ivy league school, and, according to James, he would not “be set” with an ivy league degree. James shook his head in frustration, and his voice reflected a dejected, somber tone.
John, however, chimed in as a voice of reason. He said, “Those schools’ decisions are not what determines the rest of your life.” And he went on to explain how it is James’ choices that determine his life -- his hard work, determination, goal setting, and positive outlook. John, moreover, shed light on the false logic and defeatism of James. John emphasized, “You determine your future!”
I pray that we all look at the bright side of each fork in the road, detour, bypass, and closed door so that we can see that God always has a plan that includes our cooperation, positive planning, and proactive stance.
Have a blessed week!


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