Sunday, September 8, 2019

Prioritizing Jesus

Luke 14:26 -- Priorities
Jesus turned and said to the crowd, “Those who come to me cannot be my disciples unless they love me more than they love father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and themselves as well.”
What does it mean to be dedicated to Christ? If we interpret Luke 14:25-27 literally, we fall into the same trap as do many who read the Bible -- the trap of biblical literalism. There is still a minority of Christians who believe the Bible is the exact words of God -- exclusive of historical context, literary form, cultural norms, and figures of speech -- meant to be taken at face value. But the majority of practicing Christians read the Bible as God’s inspired word breathed into human hands by the Holy Spirit. Those human hands, moreover, were subjected to all of the literary, historical, and cultural norms of their time. 
Reading this passage, then, is to understand that it uses hyperbole, or exaggeration not meant to be taken literally but used as a means of emphasis. Luke wants his readers to understand the weight of Jesus’ words. To follow Jesus is to prioritize his way in all aspects of our lives. Jesus must come first. This does not mean that we neglect our families or ourselves. Quite the contrary, Jesus’ words mean that loving him first will change us within. And through this change, we are better equipped to love those closest to us with a deeper, self-sacrificing love. 
Heavenly Father, we love you with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength because you loved us first. Please give us the grace to prioritize your Son in our walk of faith so that we can better love those around us. In Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


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