Sunday, November 19, 2017

Investing God's Love in All We Do

Matthew 25:21 (GNT): Investing God’s Love in All We Do
“Well done, you good and faithful servant!” said his master. “You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!”
How do we manage the blessings that God gives us? In each of our lives, we are given many representative “talents.” In first-century Palestine, “talents” were coins of precious metal that carried great value. Our “talents,” however, come in many different forms. Some examples are as follows: our spouse and children, our vocation at work, our position in the community, our role as friend and family member, and our role as neighbor to everyone we meet. A “talent” can be any blessing we are given in our lives, and those blessings carry responsibility.
Jesus calls us to be “faithful in managing small amounts.” And this faithfulness is measured by how we invest those talents in our lives. And no, Jesus is not just talking about how we invest our money. Instead, He emphasizes an investment of love. How are we loving others through our blessings? In everything Jesus teaches throughout Scripture, the core truth is that of love, which is the principle investment of the Christian disciple: “If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples” (John 13:35).
Let each of us, therefore, take up this call to be faithful servants of God’s love, investing His love through the many blessings we are given in life.
Heavenly Father,
You give us many talents in our lives for which we are thankful. Please grant us the grace to reciprocate that love to others, investing Your love in all we do. In Jesus Christ we pray.
Have a blessed week and Happy Thanksgiving!


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