Sunday, August 4, 2019

Servant Leadership

Matthew 20:26-28 (NRSV): The Attitude of Service
Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Being great, being first, is the American way. Isn’t it? We are a competitive people always looking for a better way to grow and increase our worth. We work hard, save, and purchase products that make our lives easier and happier. At work, we look to climb the corporate ladder. At home, we look to increase our social standing among our neighbors. Competition and material pleasure go together. And on the surface, there is nothing wrong with working hard and earning a comfortable living. Our ambitions, however, often take priority in our lives at the expense of those around us. 
Jesus, in this passage from Matthew’s Gospel, corrects his disciples who a few verses earlier are vying for power and control over each other. James and John creatively and indirectly ask, through their mother’s request, to be Jesus’ right and left-hand men. Jesus’ message is clear: His way is one of service, humility, sacrifice, and self-giving. And anyone who follows him, will seek to follow this model of servitude. 
Jesus flips the tables of human understanding regarding power and social status. Leadership and greatness are positions of servitude and sacrifice. And the example Jesus gives is the sacrifice of his life for all. To live, in essence, is to die to self and live for the love of God and others. That is one tall order that so often defies the habits of humanity. 
How, then, do I strive to live as Jesus teaches? Not without struggle and imperfection, that’s for sure. But I can start with baby steps. I can start with the next person I see. If I make them the priority by listening, caring, giving, and being present, then I am striving to be more like Jesus. Living in service to others is something I get wrong every day. But it does not mean that I quit. It is a beautiful thing to know that God is such a forgiving father who loves us no matter our faults. All God asks is that we continue to try. 
Heavenly Father, help me to love and give myself to others more each day. And thank you for your patience. In Jesus Christ I pray, amen. 


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