Monday, November 16, 2015

Mark 1:18 (NRSV): Leaving our Nets

Mark 1:18 (NRSV): Leaving our Nets
And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’
And immediately they left their nets and followed him.”

The Gospel of Mark has an uncanny stylistic tone of immediacy. The biblical scholar, Richard A. Horsley, says the following regarding The Gospel of Mark’s style:
Its style features rapid sequences of brief and vivid concrete episodes linked simply by “and” or “and immediately,” frequently omitted in translation for less awkward reading in English. The narrative often shifts from the past tense into the present tense, enlivening the action. (The New Oxford Annotated Bible 1790)
Mark’s narrative, therefore, is full of Jesus’ and His disciples’ immediate actions.  In these verses, Simon Peter and Andrew are busy at their nets as fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus passes along the sea, and, wasting no time, calls for them to follow Him. There is no hesitancy on the part of Peter and Andrew: They immediately drop their nets and follow. Radically, these brothers leave behind their livelihood and families to follow Jesus. Does this mean that we must do the same? Yes and no. God’s purpose and will is according to each individual and their station in life. Some are called to literally leave everything, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Most of us, however, are called to leave behind our figurative unhealthy attachments. Nets can trap, confine, tangle, and weigh us down. Our unhealthy attachments do the same to us. It is our job, then, to leave the burden of our figurative nets behind, whatever they may be, and follow Jesus.

  • Please pray for those who lost their lives this weekend in Paris and for the families and friends who mourn.
  • Please pray for Christ’s peace and forgiveness to enter the hearts of all people.
  • Finally, please keep each other and our special intentions in prayer this week.  

May you all be blessed and encouraged in the love and peace of Christ.  


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